
Vodafone Analytics and Celfocus: platform analyses mobility patterns during World Youth Day

August 2, 2023
Vodafone Analytics and Celfocus: platform analyses mobility patterns during World Youth Day
Celfocus is the technological partner in the development of the solution that is analysing mobility patterns of pilgrims and the population residing in Portugal during WYD, based on Vodafone’s mobile network.


Vodafone Analytics, a solution developed by Vodafone in partnership with Celfocus, will be throughout the entire week of World Youth Day (WYD) collecting and interpreting data from the mobile network in Lisbon, which will allow to know where the pilgrims come from and where they move.

Through this tool and using advanced computing techniques, it will be possible to analyse, immediately, the big data collected by the Vodafone antennas next to the devices connected to them (such as smartphones), particularly in WYD’s areas of influence, allowing to identify flow trends of these visitors, their demographic characterisation and location, as well as behavioural patterns of mobility.

As of August 1st, the Vodafone network has already detected a 36% increase in the arrival of visitors to Lisbon compared to the seven days before the start of the event. Through Vodafone Analytics it is possible to identify that most of these visitors arrived from countries such as France, the United Kingdom and Spain, while national visitors came mainly from the districts of Setúbal, Faro and Porto. The areas with the greatest crowds of these pilgrims on the 31st of July were Alvalade, Lumiar and Avenidas Novas. On the perimeter of WYD, in Lisbon, the places that registered the greatest crowding on the eve of the event were Praça do Comércio, Parque Eduardo VII and Alameda.

The conclusions obtained by Vodafone Analytics will allow companies to know, up to the minute, who these pilgrims are, where they are and how their potential customers behave, thus allowing them to offer their products and services more effectively. Despite being a solution capable of providing comprehensive data, the data collected in this event will be focused on improving the performance of areas such as transport, tourism and security.

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