
Total Telecom Congress 2022 – A recap of Celfocus’s experience

November 14, 2022
Total Telecom Congress 2022 – A recap of Celfocus’s experience
Total Telecom Congress brought together the telecom ecosystem for two days of essential learning and networking. As a Silver Sponsor, Celfocus was present to discuss the latest technology trends and share our know-how.


Total Telecom Congress 2022 took place at Business Design Centre, in London, on the 1st and 2nd of November. The event gathered Telco’s industry experts, operators, and buyers and sellers of the global telecom market to discuss the future of the industry. Celfocus was present as a Silver Sponsor, taking the opportunity to discuss the latest innovations, showcase our projects, and share our know-how on B2B2X, one of Celfocus’s strategic offers.

This year, the event’s agenda focused on the main strategic priorities which are being discussed by Telcos around the world, debating these key themes along 12 stages. The path for the Everything-as-a-Service, API exposure, Customer Experience Improvement, Fibre Infrastructures, Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and how to use Telco’s data for Telco’s revenue growth, among others, were themes highlighted during the two-day event.


During the event, Celfocus was also present at the World Communication Awards - a ceremony that recognizes innovation and excellence for global telecoms. Henrique Nemésio, Pedro Faleiro, Carla Penedo, António Ferreira and Miguel Raposo represented Celfocus at the ceremony, which took place in The Grand Connaught Rooms, in London.


“Playing the Data Game”

Miguel Raposo, Offer Development and Pre-Sales Senior Manager at Celfocus, participated in a panel discussion on day 1, in the track “Playing the Data Game”: “Data is the new gold: creating revenue from a telco’s most valuable asset”, with the Moderator Ian Ginn (Director, IFG Consulting) and the Panelist Armaan Siddiqui (Executive Vice President – Market Operations, Robi Axiata).  

During the panel discussion, Raposo shared his experience and expertise on data, going through the following main topics:  

  • Creating revenue from data as an asset – how good have Operators been up to now? What has been holding them back?
  • Who is the customer of the Operator? Who is buying and consuming the service?  
  • Is the value in data, information, or contextual information?
  • The hyper-scalers and cloud as an enabler to monetize Telcos’ data.
  • Examples of projects where data directly drives financial gains and what the industry is doing in this domain.

|---Module:text|Size:Small ---|According to Raposo, Telcos have already started to explore the value of data, creating direct and indirect value for customers and for their businesses. From empowering business decisions through enhancing marketing execution to uplifting customer experiences and realizing efficiencies in operational processes. Raposo referred that, by leveraging on core data assets and location-based insights on people mobility, Telcos have also started to deliver incremental value to enterprise customers, enabling data-driven outcomes for their own businesses.

|---Module:testimony|Size:Small|Name:Miguel Raposo|Position:Offer Development and Pre-Sales Senior Manager|Company:Celfocus||By investing in Cloud data platforms, Telcos have started to build up capabilities to go further in data exploration, but also to unleash the potential to directly provide additional value to their customers, as business partners.”

|---Module:text|Size:Small---|Raposo also stated that while data exploration is possible both using Cloud and on-premises platforms, the former provides higher flexibility, especially from an investment perspective. In markets where there are restrictions on data move out of the original countries, there is increased complexity in funding the initiatives due to the higher costs of setting up and maintaining data platforms.  

According to Raposo, that fact confirms a key benefit of the Cloud, where its pay-per-use model simplifies business cases, enabling smaller initial investments, faster ROI, and scalability potential.

All in all, Total Telecom Congress 2022 provided the right space to reflect on the future of the global telecom market. Celfocus’s participation allowed our experts to network, discuss the latest updates and know-how about our strategic offers, and share expectations and ambitions for the future, reinforcing our position in the digital and cognitive space.

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